If the working method in the construction sector is evaluated in two categories, it can be defined as Building with the investment and Undertaking commitment with a contract. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE works both in Turkey and abroad with using both of these working methods. We continue to undertake all types of infrastructure and superstructure contracting works with domestic and foreign contractors we have started with investments and the staff we have established. Our technical teams have extreme talent and they have worked in huge remarkable projects such as hospitals, education and training buildings, residential and commercial buildings, roads, shopping malls, industrial buildings, airports, energy structures, R&D buildings and water structures. With this strong structuring, we are able to make delivery of key and complete projects immediately.
The most important initial stage of making a project that you imagine is the project design. Project work has begun with the transformation of the dreamed design by taking into consideration the ideas, budget, time, purpose, likelihood, need, quality, geographical structure, climate, culture, soil studies and similar parameters. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE is realizing your dreams, by taking into consideration budget-time-quality-security parameters by evaluating the planning, designing and organizing the project.
The construction industry is in a technological development phase that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the current era. These developments have been encountering significant problems in the implementation phase of the projects. These problems can be solved by professional engineering consultancy and correct technical methods. Accurate consulting is bringing solutions staying within the budget determined throughout the construction period, being in accordance with the obstacles in front of the realization of the plant economically, safely, with high quality and on planned time. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE offers consultancy services that will meet your expectations in the most ideal time and help with you, valuable investors about your ongoing or planned projects with its expert engineer staff.
If the working method in the construction sector is evaluated in two categories, it can be defined as Building with the investment and Undertaking commitment with a contract. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE works both in Turkey and abroad with using both of these working methods. We continue to undertake all types of infrastructure and superstructure contracting works with domestic and foreign contractors we have started with investments and the staff we have established. Our technical teams have extreme talent and they have worked in huge remarkable projects such as hospitals, education and training buildings, residential and commercial buildings, roads, shopping malls, industrial buildings, airports, energy structures, R&D buildings and water structures. With this strong structuring, we are able to make delivery of key and complete projects immediately.
The most important initial stage of making a project that you imagine is the project design. Project work has begun with the transformation of the dreamed design by taking into consideration the ideas, budget, time, purpose, likelihood, need, quality, geographical structure, climate, culture, soil studies and similar parameters. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE is realizing your dreams, by taking into consideration budget-time-quality-security parameters by evaluating the planning, designing and organizing the project.
The construction industry is in a technological development phase that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the current era. These developments have been encountering significant problems in the implementation phase of the projects. These problems can be solved by professional engineering consultancy and correct technical methods. Accurate consulting is bringing solutions staying within the budget determined throughout the construction period, being in accordance with the obstacles in front of the realization of the plant economically, safely, with high quality and on planned time. YÖN TECHNICAL STRUCTURE offers consultancy services that will meet your expectations in the most ideal time and help with you, valuable investors about your ongoing or planned projects with its expert engineer staff.
Alpha Group un, uluslararası çalışma geçmişinden biriken ve bu birikimin etkilemesi ile inşaat sektöründe fark oluşturabilmek adına 2013 tarihinde inşaat sektörüne giriş yapmıştır. Güçlü bir büyüme hedefi ile yurt içi ve yurt dışı inşaat projelerinin hayata geçirilmesi için 2015’te YÖN TEKNİK YAPI A.Ş. kurulmuştur.
Tüm iş ortaklarımız ile güvene dayalı ticari bir ilişkimiz olması nedeniyle çalışmalarımıza ‘’gereğini en iyi şekilde yapmak’’ prensibi ile oluşturulmuş bir yapıdır.
Yurt içinde, ilk olarak kentsel dönüşüm projeleri ile çalışmalarına başlayan YÖN TEKNİK YAPI bünyesine 30 yılı geçen tecrübe birikimine sahip ve büyük çaplı önemli projelerde imzası bulunan mühendisler ile bir araya gelerek önemli projelere talip olarak yurtdışına açılmıştır.
YÖN TEKNİK YAPI oluşturduğu üst düzey mühendislik iş ortaklıklarıyla, kapsamlı üst yapılar ve alt yapıların inşaat projelerini kalite-ekonomi-amaç parametrelerine bağlı kalarak, anahtar teslim yapabilme beceri ve kudretine sahip bir oluşumdur.
Kurucu yönetim kurulu başkanımız Sayın M. Şefik YÖN şu cümleler ile geleceğin umut yüklü teknesi olacak YÖN TEKNİK YAPI yı anlatmaktadır;
‘’ İnsana yeryüzünde imar etme görevi vermiştir. Biz bu görevin bilincinde olarak vazifemizi üstlendik ve yeryüzü imarına katkı sağlamak için, bilgi ve birikim ile donanımlı bir ekip kurup yola çıktık. İnsanlığa fayda veren eserler yaptık ve yapmaya devam ediyoruz.